February 3, 2010


Hello again,

This will be a short, light-hearted post, but I figure no one can resist the "awww" factor of penguins. :)

Last Saturday, some of us ventured to Simonstown to see the wild penguins that live on the beaches. It was my first time taking the "train" (essentially a metro system, not a formal train), and it takes about an hour by train from Obz. Upon arrival, I realized that Simonstown is pretty touristy (a big turn off for me), yet it was beautiful for a day trip and well worth the visit.

As you can see, we were able to go right up to the penguins, and one of the guys in our group even touched one (not advised)...and then the penguin proceeded to get upset, so we all backed away.


  1. So are they running around willy, nilly? :)
    I couldn't resist!

  2. sooooo I think that for my souvenir, you should go back and steal me one! As much as I love having a kitty kat at home, I think a penguin could be a lot of fun!

    On another note - it looks like you are having lots of fun! Miss you lots!
